Developing Habits in 4 Easy Steps
Habits are an important part of our daily lives. They are a series of decisions developed by the brain, and most of them are performed automatically. Habits help us cope with regular problems and stress, and the main advantage is that they reduce cognitive load, thus freeing up brain resources for new challenges.
Habit formation begins with a process of trial and error. When we encounter a new situation, our brain begins to analyze the situation, try different ways, study effective strategies, and then makes a final decision. In this process, the feedback loop plays an important role, consisting of the stages of trying, failing, learning a lesson, and trying again.
The process of developing a habit is divided into four main stages, which are combined into two phases:
First, the problem phase combines the following two stages:
The signal is the stimulus that prompts us to take action.
Desire – a signal that causes desire, and this is the motivation that compels us to act.
And the second, the decision phase, combines the following two stages:
Reaction – represents a specific action that leads to a reward.
Reward – a reward is an ultimate goal that gives us satisfaction and teaches us that the behavior is worth repeating.
Habits that help us cope with regular stress and problems, reduce mental strain and show us the way to new challenges. This process, over time, occurs unconsciously and ultimately determines our success. Therefore, it is important to develop good habits and get rid of bad habits. This process can be easily followed by using the four rules of habit change.
The rule of habit change is different in the process of developing good habits and getting rid of bad habits, and for each looks like this:
How to develop good habits:
Declare, think about and develop a plan. Then make it attractive to make the process interesting.
Simplify the path to action and make it enjoyable to create motivation.
Get rid of bad habits
Make it invisible and try to minimize the signals that lead to a bad habit.
Take away the attraction and focus on bad results. Make it difficult to tighten the process of forming bad habits, and make it unpleasant so that the backlash becomes a warning.
The process of developing habits requires a thoughtful approach and systematic work. Forming the right habits in the present allows us to create the future we want. The main thing is to remember that any change begins with small steps and consistent efforts.
Follow the four basic rules, use motivation and achieve your goals!