In the modern world, where everything is developing at a fast pace, we also expect instant results. But reality shows that real and sustainable success is achieved in different ways and there are different strategies.

The most important transformations in our lives often take place so slowly that they are almost imperceptible in everyday life. This is a paradox that many people do not notice – big changes start with small, seemingly insignificant steps.

The process of setting goals increases our motivation. When we know what we are aiming for, our mind starts looking for opportunities to achieve that goal. It is the internal energy to initiate action. Many people think that the main key to success is motivation. However, motivation is a fickle resource and may be temporary. The real challenge is not a lack of motivation, but an impatience with quick results, incorrect expectations about the pace of progress, and a lack of a systematic approach.

Using a systems approach is crucial because:

  • The systems are permanent and ensure long-term success.
  • Systems create habits – A well-functioning system automatically creates positive habits.
  • Systems reduce stress – When you have a clear system, you are less stressed about “how” to achieve a goal.

This is the approach shared by James Clear:

Success is the result of a collection of small habits, not a one-time radical change. Therefore, small actions add up over time and lead to big results.

The equation for success is:

Small actions + Consistency + Time = Impressive Results/Success/Goal Achievement

Imagine improving a skill or habit by just 1% every day. In one day, this change seems insignificant, but studies show that at the end of the year, this improvement leads to 37 times better results.

It’s time to stop looking for big leaps and start taking small but consistent steps. Because in the end, it’s these small steps that give us the big changes we’ve been waiting for.


#psychology of goals #progress #development